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Not All West Hartford Residents Received Tornado Alerts Over Weekend

West Hartford’s Emergency Management Department Clarifies Tornado Alert Issues

West Hartford, CT — Over the weekend, West Hartford faced two separate Tornado Alerts warnings, and it became evident that not all residents received the alerts on their phones. On Monday, the Town of West Hartford’s emergency management department provided an explanation for this discrepancy, clarifying why some residents were informed while others were not.

Tornado Warnings Issued

On Saturday, June 22, 2024, around 3:30 p.m., and Sunday, June 23, 2024, at 5:50 p.m., the National Weather Service (NWS) issued tornado warnings for the West Hartford area. These warnings were supposed to be transmitted via the Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) system, a critical tool designed to inform residents of imminent threats. However, many residents reported not receiving these alerts.

Understanding Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA)

WEA is an essential emergency messaging system used by authorized governmental agencies to send alerts through mobile carriers. These alerts are sent to cell towers in the specific area experiencing the emergency, ensuring that all WEA-capable phones within range receive the notification.

Reasons for Discrepancies in Receiving Alerts

Despite the automated nature of WEA, several factors can prevent these alerts from reaching all residents. The Town of West Hartford’s emergency management department outlined the following reasons why some individuals might not have received the tornado warnings:

  • Geographical Location: Residents who were not physically present in West Hartford at the time of the alert would not have received the notification.
  • Phone Capability: Not all phones are equipped to receive WEA alerts. Older models or non-compatible devices may miss these critical warnings.
  • Ongoing Phone Calls: If a resident was engaged in a phone call during the alert, the WEA notification would not interrupt the conversation.
  • Phone Settings: Devices set to “Do Not Disturb” mode would not display the alert. Additionally, some phones have WEA notifications disabled by default or have been turned off by the user.

Steps to Ensure Receipt of Alerts

To prevent missing future emergency alerts, residents are advised to check their phone settings. Ensuring that emergency notifications are enabled is crucial for receiving timely warnings. This can typically be done through the phone’s settings menu under notifications or emergency alerts.

Additional Alert Systems

WEA is not the only system in place for emergency notifications. The State of Connecticut has its own CT Alert system, and West Hartford offers a Community Advisory Notification System. Residents are encouraged to sign up for these additional alert services to stay informed about local emergencies.

For more information about Wireless Emergency Alerts, residents can visit the official Alerts page. To sign up for CT Alert and West Hartford’s Community Advisory Notification System, residents should visit the following links:

Ensuring Safety During Tornado Warnings

Tornado warnings are critical for ensuring the safety of residents. Understanding the different alert systems and ensuring that all devices are set up to receive these notifications can make a significant difference in emergency situations. Here are additional steps residents can take to stay safe during a tornado warning:

  • Stay Informed: Regularly check weather updates from reliable sources.
  • Create an Emergency Plan: Have a family emergency plan in place, including a designated safe room or area in the home.
  • Emergency Kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essential items such as water, non-perishable food, medications, and important documents.
  • Practice Drills: Regularly practice tornado drills with family members to ensure everyone knows what to do during an actual event.

Community Response and Preparedness

The response to the recent tornado warnings in West Hartford underscores the importance of community preparedness and effective communication. The Town of West Hartford continues to work on improving its emergency alert systems and ensuring that all residents are adequately informed during emergencies.


The weekend’s events serve as a reminder of the importance of emergency preparedness and the need for reliable communication systems. While the discrepancy in alert reception caused concern, understanding the reasons behind it and taking proactive measures can help mitigate such issues in the future. Residents are urged to stay informed, check their phone settings, and sign up for local and state emergency alerts to ensure they receive timely notifications during emergencies.

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